Sonic.exe On XBOX

Sonic.EXE Round 4
It was just a normal night, and I was up late around 11:00 last night, playing my usual EVIL PATRIXX 3
run. I saw something at the top of the screen. It said: “fOund yOu” I was haunted. He was
back, 5 years later. I couldn’t resist throwing my XBOX 360 out the window. Cats yowled as I
threw the game out the window. The next morning, I came over to my friend Tony‘s house. He
was lifeless. I saw a note. “The fun has just started. –S O N I C” I
flipped open my 3DS, only to find the numbers 666 and Buried Alive on
the screen. The first four notes of Lavender Town’s music played. I was
scared. Another note. “Only a few more days, until YOU come to play
with me… -SONIC” Oh god. My phone was dead, the number 13
scratched into it. My 12-year old brother screamed. “THE HEDGEHOG!
THE HE-“I rushed into the room, he was dead. Bleeding uncontrollably.
I saw the words on the screen…”I AM GOD” What? What the heck is happening here? I called
911 and said as follows:
Op: 911 what is your emergency?
Me: My 12 year old brother is bleeding heavily and he has no pulse.
Op: OK, we will send paramedics over now.
Me: Thank you.
Op: This is the 667th case this week… (Hangs up)
I had no time. I alerted the whole city. The 911 service was delayed and when they did come,
he was dead. Another close look showed a note inside his throat. I pried his throat open,
making it bleed even more. The note was out.
“Dear Mark, I have come again, to play with you. From, S O N I C” On the back was a simple
“fOund you”.
March 12, 2001
Today was my brother’s funeral. I was scared out of my wits when everyone there was DEAD. I
could not help but cry. This had gone too far. I was tempted to play the game to save my
brother. There is hope, I thought.
March 18, 2001
Creepy things have been happening to me this week. Every Sonic game I played, bootleg or
not, show the same screen, with Sonic’s eyes bloodshot and “SEGA 666” on the title screen of
EVERY game I played. That day, I was reading other creepypastas and I found a page called
SONIC.exe. Oh my god, I found the hope! There was a number on the page.
“If you have been haunted by Him, call me now!” 555-392-1293. Wait. I looked him up on
Ancestry and saw he was a distant relative of me. So He hid me from my cousin’s brother for
YEARS!!!! I called him as soon as possible. No service there, so I called at my local McDonalds.
He said that I had to play the game to beat him. No way, I thought. So I put in the cartridge
inscribed with black Sharpie: “SONIC.EXE DO NOT PLAY”
Oh no. I HAD to play THE GAME to kill HIM. This is not what I expected. I started up the game.
It was a reverse colored version of the SEGA logo, but then for a frame, I saw: “AGES of
darkness will come… -サタン” Wait… SEGA=AGES??? Oh this is not what I just saw. Then, a
message popped up, along with… 851212
ています。-S O N I C
The notes flew up into the air, and were ripped to shreds. They formed a hedgehog’s shadow.
Then, it said: あなたのような人間をいじることは私の情熱です now, he was here. I was
doomed to spend an eternal vacation in you-know-what. Now I remain a servant of HIM.
Then a skeleton popped out!